• January 18, 2025
Google announces more powerful search capabilities for online retailers -  SiliconANGLE

What is Google search, how does it work?

Google is, today, one of the most important companies in the world. A business focused entirely on the Internet and new technologies that everyone knows by the epicenter of all its activity, its web browser. This company has to its credit the search engine par excellence, the portal that all users enter when they connect to search for everything they want. Developed in 1997 by just two people, this search engine has not stopped growing and being used since it opened its doors more than a decade ago. Anyone knows it and has used it on more than one occasion, although they have probably also taken advantage of the other services offered by this firm through the networks: mail, cloud storage, operating system for smartphones, etc. It is also the place that all web pages look to. Since it has become the most widely used search portal globally, all online portals fight to get the best positions among the results it returns every time someone enters it to find something. It is, therefore, a key element and practically what gives meaning to everything related to SEO and network positioning. Everyone uses it, but few really know what it is or what it is for. For this reason, we are going to extend ourselves explaining everything necessary about this great Internet giant.

  • Yandex
  • Baidu
  • yahoo

What is Google for?

The main function of Google is to make it easier for users to use the Internet. Thanks to it, anyone can enter the networks to search, just by entering a few words, information they need, organize a vacation, buy or practically anything that can occur to them. For companies and website owners, it is the place that allows them to increase their visibility. By developing positioning strategies and optimizing the portals, they can appear among the first positions of Internet users’ searches and, thus, increase their visits and even have the possibility of increasing their mass of customers.

Google announces more powerful search capabilities for online retailers - SiliconANGLE

Google Examples

The best example of Google is entering www.google.es and using its search engine to find what you want. A good way to demonstrate how it works is to access it and, for example, type the name of our agency (Neo Attack) to see how many results appear. In addition to the main page , its services and all the contents that, in one way or another, are related to it are shown.

What are the types of search in Google?

Since they emerged, search engines have not stopped trying to understand more and more (and better) how and why users conduct their research on the web. Today we know that when searching for a term in a search engine, the human psyche has the desire to satisfy a specific need. The search for the solution to your need can manifest itself in different ways, and it is up to digital marketing professionals to analyze and understand the meaning of each investigation to provide the user with the best possible response. It was through this analysis that 3 types of internet search have been identified. Below we will explain each of them.

1. Navigational search

In this type of search the user knows exactly what page he wants to find after doing his research. Usually, it happens when the person does not remember the domain of the page well, or simply completely stops typing it in the address bar. For example, if a user searches for “Hotmart Blog”, his intention is quite clear: he already knows where he wants to go and it will be difficult for him to click on another result.

2. Transactional search

As its name indicates, here the user has the objective of carrying out a transaction, be it making a purchase, registering for a service, subscribing to a blog or any other type of online action that results in some type of conversion. For example, if you search for the keyword “running shoes”, the level of specification indicates that your intent is to purchase a product. Based on this analysis, e-commerce companies can optimize their pages so that this user can find them.

3. Informational search

The user’s objective in this search is to find information, be it a general matter, news or specific data. His intention is still not very clear, since he does not know in which link he will find the answer to what he is looking for. For this reason, the user, in general, tends to visit more than one result until, finally, they are able to satisfy their need. Searching for the keyword “ affiliate marketing ” is a good example of this category of terms.

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